Tell a Friend=Get Cool Stuff
We want to reward you just for telling your friends about us! By becoming a Hobsons Student Union Ambassador you can earn prizes such as a personal computer, a DVD player, test-prep classes, cameras, HSU t-shirts, and more! And, if you are a school-sponsored group, we’ll give you money for each person you refer! Check out the rules below and sign up to receive more information on how you can be an HSU Ambassador!
Rules of participation:
1. You must be a member of the Hobsons Student Union to be an HSU Ambassador.
2. Ambassadors earn one point for each referral that registers for this service. Eligible referrals must be between the ages of 13-18 years of age.
3. School-affiliated groups or clubs (such as student council raising money for prom) may work collectively to raise money. One referral equals $1 earned.
4. Points can be redeemed at any time for prizes and rewards. In the case of groups, referrals may be redeemed for cash.
5. Points you spend on prizes are not saved. They are subtracted from your total.
6. Ambassadors have no obligation and may discontinue their role at any time.
If you are interested in serving as an ambassador or receiving more information about the program, please e-mail [email protected] your name, home address, and e-mail so we can send you more information on how to start earning!